Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jason Says: "Step right up, and place your bets!"

Brittany is now in the final weeks of her pregnancy, and we're expecting our little boy soon. Even though we're closer every day, it's still hard to wait so long to meet him. So in an effort to make this waiting a little more entertaining, we propose the following:

Guess the birth date, birth time, or birth weight of our new addition and win fabulous prizes!

Here's how to play:

1. Post a comment on this blog post.
2. In this comment, make your best guess as to what date and time the baby will be born, as well as how much he will weigh.
3. Let us know what your favorite brand/type of candy/confection/sweet/savory snack. (Winners will receive a moderately priced portion of said treat as a prize)

Now some simple rules:

1. Each date, time, and weight can only be guessed once. If any of the guesses are the same, the guess from the earliest comment post is the winner.
2. There will be winners in each category (date, time, and weight) so be sure to make guesses for each.
3. This contest is for EVERYONE, young and old. You don't have to be family, but you do have to friendly! We welcome all guesses.
4. If winners do not live close enough for hand delivery, we will ship prizes out to them. So if you want your prize, make sure we can get a hold of you to get your shipping address.

And finally, a few facts that might help your guessing:

Brittany's weight at birth: 5 lbs 10oz.
Brittany was (and still is, I suppose) a twin.

Jason's weight at birth: 7lbs 11oz.
Jason was not a twin.

Our baby's due date: February 15th

This is in fact Brittany's first pregnancy.


  1. Okay. I will play.

    Feb. 8th

    12:23 AM

    6lbs 11 oz

    Of course I am not lucky at guessing games. I have yet to be even close to get the missionary candy bar.

  2. For Brittany's sake, I sure hope it's NOT February 8th! She already has to share a birthday :)

    I say...

    February 17th

    2:30 am


  3. This is a fun game... 2/14, 12:07 am, 7 lbs 3 oz

  4. okay this is my guess,

    Feb 11th 10:30 pm 7lbs 8oz

    Bens quess is

    Feb 18th 4 AM 7lbs 5 oz

    Hannahs guess is

    Feb 14th 6 am 7lbs 1 oz

  5. Jeff's guess is-

    February 12th, 9:33 pm, 6lbs 4 oz

  6. OK, here's the winning guess-

    Feb 13(my wedding anniversary. specials things happen on that day.)
    1:31 am
    7lbs 9 oz

    Reeses' peanutt butter cups.

  7. Cassidy guesses Feb 13th 7:45 am and 6 lbs 4 oz!

  8. I'm gonna be really crazy and guess the actual due date (my initial guess was already said...twice actually).

    Feb 15

    5:28 A.M.

    My ha ha ha ha guess is 8 lbs 10 oz.
    My actual guess is 6 lbs. 15 oz.

    :) I am so going to win
    (p.s. how exciting would that be to go into labor on Valentine's Day? Haha)

  9. I foresee the birth on Feb. 7th at 1:33A.M. and his weight will be 8 lbs. 4 oz.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Lets say February 10th, 11:47 P.M. weighing in at a whopping 6 lbs. 9 oz.

  12. Okay... my guess is February 9th at 5:40 am. Weight... how about 6 lbs 8 oz.

  13. My "grandma's intuition" says that the little guy will be born on his Grandma Judy's birthday, February 11th, at 5:45 am and will weigh 7 lbs 6 ozs. I'll take my prize of Lindt milk chocolate balls in advance!!!!!

  14. Grandma/Spama intuition? The real date will be Friday, February 13th at 7:32 pm with a birth weight of 7lbs 14 ounces. Brittany has always been considerate and will make sure Grandpa Dale can be there for the birth but still be in bed before the 10:00 pm news. For my reward I will take celery sticks as all know my disdain for chocolate.

    By the way, this is Grandpa Dale posting as Judy.

  15. February 5th

    1:59 P.M.

    5 lbs. 6 oz.

    -Emily Ainge

  16. I just found your blog! So cute - email me if you want to be added to mine - -

    Anyway I think the baby will be born:

    Feb. 10, 2009

    6:32 am

    7 lbs 2 oz

  17. Hello TwitterFriend! I'll play along :)

    February 22nd
    11:00 pm
    8 lbs

    first babies are notoriously late ;)

    I'm due Feb 18th... wonder who will be born first? Best of luck with everything, and congrats on having a boy. I have three so far and they are so much fun!

    Maranda [hotel queen]
