Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jason Says: "Order the January Monthly Special. It's good!"

Some of you may have noticed the link to Take Out Photo in our blog list to the right. This is a great photography blog done by a friend and former French professor of mine, Marc Olivier. If you are interested in photography at any level, and especially if you are just starting out, please check out Take Out Photo. I promise, you'll be very glad you did and you will soon have some great pieces of photography to show off on your own blog/home/office.

Every month Marc does several posts on a certain photographic technique and encourages readers to post their take on that technique. This month is a personal favorite, black and white photography. So for your viewing pleasure I submit a photo of the soon-to-be-newlyweds Seth and Heidi.

Just a note: I didn't edit this photo in Photoshop like I usually do. I used pixlr, a free online photo editor that is very similar to Photoshop. It's not nearly as robust as Photoshop, but if you don't have PS or if you find yourself on a computer that doesn't have it and need to do some quick image work, it's a great little tool. Try it out.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great example of how black and white can capture your attention. The couple really stand out contrasted with the trees, and since we're obviously not dealing with fall colors here, black and white is the perfect choice.
