Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Brittany says: "The Wadsworth's are just amazing!"

I have just been thinking this morning about how great my in-laws are! Jason and I were able to spend Christmas with them in Vegas this year. It was such a great experience to be able to be there while Kaitlyn was getting ready to leave on her mission. We were there for her farewell and for her going through the temple. At the temple we decided to take some family pictures since it will be a long time before we are all together again.

Aren't we such a cute family?
At Kaitlyn's farewell Kaitlyn, Keven, Kyle, and Jason all sang a song. While I was listening to them I couldn't help but think what great people they all are. Jason and Kyle have both been on missions and are married in the temple. Kaitlyn is just so sweet and is going to make the greatest missionary! Kevin is going to BYU-Idaho in the fall and is getting ready to leave on a mission next year. On top of that Jason's parents are just so great! Jan, Jason's dad, is one of the most kind-hearted people that I have ever met. He spends almost all of his free time serving as a bishop and doing things for members of his ward. Pauline, Jason's mom, is so loving and kind and reminds me so much of my Grandma Betty. I feel so proud and so lucky to be part of the Wadsworth family!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a sweetheart. You know we feel we are the lucky ones to have you as a part of our family! (And it's so wonderful to be connected to the Ainges in the bargain.)
