Saturday, October 23, 2010

237/365: Cute He Is. Yes? Deny It, You Cannot!

Yes, I'm a geek. I doubt this is news to anyone at this point. Though I'm still not sure how I managed to talk my wife into sewing us these amazing Jedi costumes for Halloween. Janson even joined the fun as Yoda (or "Yoya" as he likes to call himself).


  1. Wow Brittany, I am so impressed at your sewing skills! Great job. Here I am complaining about the dragon costumes I have to make before thursday for my kids...

  2. wow Brittany your a trooper!! ( no pun intended) I would wear that but sewing it just takes you to a level I don't think is possible for me to reach!!

  3. Jason you look quite a bit like dad from back in the day with the stache!

  4. where was Brittany during our film making years?-Ben

  5. those are some of the best costumes ever. it's been my dream for years now to do a family jedi theme for halloween, but i knew the store-bought costumes wouldn't do the seriousness of the subject justice... and since neither my wife nor i really sew that much (and by "that much", i mean not at all) we have never pulled it off. i'm glad to see that someone has.
