Friday, June 5, 2009

Mommy says: "I can't believe how big he is!"

When people see babies they usually say some form of the phrase, "He is getting so big!" In Janson's case he really is getting SO big. We went in for his 4 month checkup this week and here are the numbers:

Length: 27.5 inches 97th percentile
Weight: 16lbs 12oz 74th percentile
Head: 42 cm 50th percentile

To put this in perspective Janson is the same length as my nephew Will was when Will was 9 months old. I've been getting so frustrated, because Janson keeps growing out of his pj's. A few weeks ago he grew out of 3 pairs that were supposed to last up to 6 months. I thought I was just shrinking them in the wash or that I was going crazy. At least now I know Janson is just super long! And at this rate he will also grow out of his car seat at about 9 months.

Who knew that a girl as short as me would have a really tall baby?


  1. That reminds me, I need to start putting out some feelers to basketball, football, and volleyball recruiters. :)

  2. Holy cow, are you feeding that boy Wheaties?? Seth was about that tall at 6 months and that put him at 87%!

  3. ahh i love that picture he looks like a little man!! wow he is big. ruthie just turned one and is only 17 pounds. and i LOVE that darth vader onesie from your last post. i want a boy so i can buy one.

  4. Can't wait to hug my big guy!
